时间:2021-12-09 1379 16人参与
heading 选项难点---读不懂真正的意思
例子:剑11-2-2 What destroyed the civilisation of the Easter Island?
List of Headings:
i Evidence of innovative environment management practices
ii An undisputed answer to a question about the moai
iii The future of the moai statues
iv A theory which supports a local belief
v The future of Easter land
vi Two opposing views about the Rapanui people
vii Destruction outside the inhabitants' control
viii How the statues made a situation worse
ix Diminishing food resources
比如vii Destruction outside the inhabitants' control 直译就是当地居民控制之外的破坏,也就是不是当地人破坏的。
F Moreover, Hunt and Lipo are convinced that the settlers were not wholly responsible for the loss of the island's trees. Archaeological finds of nuts from the extinct Easter Island palm show tiny grooves, made by the teeth of Polynesian rats. The rats arrived along with the settlers, and in just a few years, Hunt and Lipo calculate, they would have overrun the island. They would have prevented the reseeding of the slow-growing palm trees and thereby doomed Rapa Nui's forest, even without the settlers' campaign of deforestation. No doubt the rats ate birds' eggs too. Hunt and Lipo also see no evidence that Rapanui civilisation collapsed when the palm forest did. They think its population grew rapidly and then remained more or less stable until the arrival of the Europeans, who introduced deadly diseases to which islanders had no immunity. Then in the nineteenth century slave traders decimated the population, which shrivelled to 111 people by 1877.
heading 选项难点--逻辑读不透之explanation
List of Headings
Ⅰ. Scientists' call for a revision of policy
Ⅱ. An explanation for reduced water use
Ⅲ. How a global challenge was met
Ⅳ. Irrigation systems fall into disuse
Ⅴ. Environmental effects
Ⅵ. The financial cost of recent technological improvements
Ⅶ. The relevance to health
Ⅷ. Addressing the concern over increasing populations
Ⅸ. A surprising downward trend in demand for water
Ⅹ. The need to raise standards
Ⅺ. A description of ancient water supplies
ii An explanation for reduced water use 这里的explanation其实是因果关系 这个答案是G段,但是很多学生误以为是F段,F段对应Ⅸ A surprising downward trend in demand for water , F 段只是在说现象。G段在说原因。
F Fortunately -and unexpectedly - the demand for water is not rising as rapidly as some predicted. As a result, the pressure to build new water infrastructures has diminished over the past two decades. Although population, industrial output and economic productivity have continued to soar in developed nations, the rate at which people withdraw water from aquifers, rivers and lakes has slowed. And in a few parts of the world, demand has actually fallen.
G What explains this remarkable turn of events? Two factors: people have figured out how to use water more efficiently, and communities are rethinking their priorities for water use.Throughout the first three-quarters of the 20th century, the quantity of freshwater consumed per person doubled on average; in the USA, water withdrawals increased tenfold while the population quadrupled. But since 1980, the amount of water consumed per person has actually decreased, thanks to a range of new technologies that help to conserve water in homes and industry. In 1965, for instance, Japan used approximately 13 million gallons* of water to produce $1 million of commercial output; by 1989 this had dropped to 3.5 million gallons (even accounting for inflation) - almost a quadrupling of water productivity. In the USA, water withdrawals have fallen by more than 20 % from their peak in 1980.
逻辑读不透之 explanation例子2:剑13test1 passage2
iii A new explanation and a new cure for boredom 这里还是要找boredom的原因,原文说a new source of boredom就是在说原因
F Psychologist Francoise Wemelsfelder speculates that our over-connected lifestyles might even be a new source of boredom. 'In modern human society there is a lot of overstimulation but still a lot of problems finding meaning,' she says. So instead of seeking yet more mental stimulation, perhaps we should leave our phones alone, and use boredom to motivate us to engage with the world in a more meaningful way.
heading 选项难点--逻辑读不透之Development,stages, steps ,这种题需要有时间线或者序数词
List of Headings
Ⅰ. The results of the research into blood-variants
Ⅱ. Dental evidence
Ⅲ. Greenberg's analysis of the dental and linguistic evidence
Ⅳ. Developments in the methods used to study early population movements
Ⅴ. Indian migration from Canada to the U.S.A.
Ⅵ. Further genetic evidence relating to the three-wave theory
Ⅶ. Long-standing questions about prehistoric migration to America
Ⅷ. Conflicting views of the three-wave theory, based on non-genetic evidence
Ⅸ. Questions about the causes of prehistoric migration to America
Ⅹ. How analysis of blood-variants measures the closeness of the relationship between different populations
这里的Ⅳ. Developments in the methods used to study early population movements这里的Developments有隐含的逻辑,就是时间线或者序数词,对应A段,used to be,developed since the 1950s,is now being obtained这些能体现时间线。
A Study of the origins and distribution of human populations used to be based on archaeological and fossil evidence. A number of techniques developed since the 1950s, however, have placed the study of these subjects on a sounder and more objective footing.The best information on early population movements is now being obtained from the 'archaeology of the living body', the clues to be found in genetic material.
heading 选项难点--逻辑读不透之neither ,有否定,还有两个
List of Headings
i Complaints about the impact of a certain approach
ii Fundamental beliefs that are in fact incorrect
iii Early recommendations concerning business activities
iv Organisations that put a new approach into practice
v Companies that have suffered from changing their approach
vi What people are increasingly expected to do
vii How to achieve outcomes that are currently impossible
viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement
ix Evidence that a certain approach can have moredisadvantages than advantages
这里的 viii Neither approach guarantees continuous improvement 里面的neither是有技巧的,要有两个,这里要有两个approach,还有否定,原文H段 disorder, much like order有两个东西, have detrimental effects on performance后面是不好的
H A word of warning to others thinking of jumping on this bandwagon: the evidence so far suggests disorder, much like order, also seems to have diminishing utility, and can also have detrimental effects on performance if overused. Like order,disorder should be embraced only so far as it is useful. But we should not fear it -nor venerate one over the other. This research also shows that we should continually question whether or not our existing assumptions work.
heading 选项难点--干扰项,能找到的同义替换是原文的细节,不是主旨。
例子:剑10 test2 passage1
List of Headings
Ⅰ. The search for the reasons for an increase in population
Ⅱ. Industrialisation and the fear of unemployment
Ⅲ. The development of cities in Japan
Ⅳ. The time and place of the Industrial Revolution
Ⅴ. The cases of Holland, France and China
Ⅵ. Changes in drinking habits in Britain
Ⅶ. Two keys to Britain's industrial revolution
Ⅷ. Conditions required for industrialisation
Ⅸ. Comparisons with Japan lead to the answer
比如这里的Ⅴ. The cases of Holland, France and China,在原文都能找到,很多同学以为B 段的主旨就是它,不是的。B段应该是Ⅷ. Conditions required for industrialisation
B Macfarlane compares the puzzle to a combination lock, ‘There are about 20 different factors and all of them need to be present before the revolution can happen,’ he says. For industry to take off, there needs to be the technology and power to drive factories, large urban populations to provide cheap labour, easy transport to move goods around, an affluent middle-class willing to buy mass-produced objects, a market-driven economy and a political system that allows this to happen. While this was the case for England, other nations, such as Japan, the Netherlands and France also met some of these criteria but were not industrialising. ‘All these factors must have been necessary but not sufficient to cause the revolution,’ says Macfarlane. ‘After all, Holland had everything except coal, while China also had many of these factors. Most historians are convinced there are one or two missing factors that you need to open the lock.’
heading 选项难点--干扰项,引出重点的句子,比如once例子:剑6-2-1
List of Headings
Ⅰ. Avoiding an overcrowded centre
Ⅱ. A successful exercise in people power
Ⅲ. The benefits of working together in cities
Ⅳ. Higher incomes need not mean more cars
Ⅴ. Economic arguments fail to persuade
Ⅵ. The impact of telecommunications on population distribution
Ⅶ. Increases in travelling time
Ⅷ. Responding to arguments against public transport
这里的Ⅵ. The impact of telecommunications on population distribution,会被很多人误以为对应E段,不对哦, E段的第一句It was once assumed that improvements in telecommunications would lead to more dispersal in the population as people were no longer forced into cities.是曾经的想法,不是重点,看后面的however的东西, E段的正确答案是Ⅲ. The benefits of working together in cities
E It was once assumed that improvements in telecommunications would lead to more dispersal in the population as people were no longer forced into cities. However, the ISTP team's research demonstrates that the population and job density of cities rose or remained constant in the 1980s after decades of decline. The explanation for this seems to be that it is valuable to place people working in related fields together, 'The new world will largely depend on human creativity, and creativity flourishes where people come together face-to-face.'
v environmental effects
D The consequences of our water policies extend beyond jeopardising human health. Tens of millions of people have been forced to move from their homes-often with little warning or compensation -to make way for the reservoirs behind dams. More than 20% of all freshwater fish species are now threatened or endangered because dams and water withdrawals have destroyed the free-flowing river ecosystems where they thrive. Certain irrigation practices degrade soil quality and reduce agricultural productivity. Groundwater aquifers* are being pumped down faster than they are naturally replenished in parts of India China,the USA and elsewhere. And disputes over shared water resources have led to violence and continue to raise local,national and even international tensions.
List of Headings
Ⅰ. The importance of getting the timing right
Ⅱ. Young meets old
Ⅲ. Developments to the disadvantage of tortoise populations
Ⅳ. Planning a bigger idea
Ⅴ. Tortoises populate the islands
Ⅵ. Carrying out a carefully prepared operation
Ⅶ. Looking for a home for the islands’ tortoises
Ⅷ. The start of the conservation project
F This unprecedented effort was made possible by the owners of the 67-metre yacht White Cloud, who provided the Galapagos National Park with free use of their helicopter and its experienced pilot, as well as the logistical support of the yacht, its captain and crew. Originally an air ambulance, the yacht’s helicopter has a rear double door and a large internal space that’s well suited for cargo, so a custom crate was designed to hold up to 33 tortoises with a total weight of about 150 kilograms. This weight, together with that of the fuel, pilot and four crew, approached the helicopter’s maximum payload, and there were times when it was clearly right on the edge of the helicopter’s capabilities. During a period of three days, a group of volunteers from the breeding centre worked around the clock to prepare the young tortoises for transport.Meanwhile, park wardens, dropped off ahead of time in remote locations, cleared landing sites within the thick brush, cacti and lava rocks
答案:Ⅵ. Carrying out a carefully prepared operation
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