托福口语对一些口语水平一般的同学来说已经够麻烦了,尤其是口语中的task 4更是让人头疼。托福口语Task 4 考察的内容学术性更强,词汇量大,而且留给我们的准备时间不多,很多同学的失分点都在这一部分。今天我们就来为大家梳理一下托福口语 task 4 的解题思路,希望对大家有帮助。
知己知彼方能百战不殆,我们先来了解一下task 4 的语言结构
1) 提出中心 + 一个例子/实验证明该中心
2) 提出中心(通常会提到两个点 )+ ( 第一点+例子)+ (第二点+例子)
第一种情况,以TPO1 task4为例
中心:Babies as young as five months can do basic arithmetic – that they can add.
例子/实验:Researchers devised an experiment that ...
第二种情况,以TPO9 task4为例
中心:Some plants develop ways to protect themselves from insects.
第一点:Some plants have physical features that prevent insects landing on them.
例子: Take passion plant as an example, its spiky and dense hairs on the leaves will stop insects landing on its leaves...
第二点: Some planets protect themselves using chemical defenses
例子: like potato plants. It will release a chemical when insects are eating its leaves. This chemical will make the insects feel full and not want to eat the plant anymore...
In the lecture, professor mentioned that .............. He then used an example/experiment to explain this point. In the example, the professor said that .........
In the lecture, the professor mentioned two types of .......... The first one is........... For example, ......... The second is .......... For example, ...........