托福口语中的综合口语部分是要比独立口语部分难一些的,考生需要根据阅读和听力材料来组织自己的回答内容,不能自由发挥,所以有很多同学在面对这类问题时不知道如何进行练习。今天我们就来为大家整理了几个托福口语Task 2中常用的句型,一起来看看吧~~
1. 话题
A. The notice/announcement isabout…
B. The topic is thenotice/announcement is…
C. The main point of thenotice/announcement is…
2. 看法
A. The woman agrees with…
B. The man approves of…
C. The woman is upset about…
D. The man thinks that…is unfair.
E. The University's plan to…makesthe woman angry.
3. 对比
公告中的信息与学生的看法可能形成对比。对话中的两个学生之间的看法也可能形成对比,可以用but, however, on the contrary等词或词组。
A. The university believesthat…However, the man feels…
B. The man thinks that the newpolicy about …is…, but the woman thinks that…
C. The announcement asks …On thecontrary, the students discuss ways of…
4. 引用
就像答其他综合任务题一样,需要指出观点的来源,是来自公告本身还是来自哪个学生。表示引用的表达方式主要有according to和say。
A. According to the announcement, …
B. According to the woman, …
C. The man says that…
1. 公告话题
2. 公告要点
3. 学生看法
4. 持此看法的两大理由
The notice tells about___. It says that____. (The announcement also lists…)
The man says that he agrees with____. The first reason is that_____. The second reasonis that_____.
大家要根据具体情况做调整,比如有时阅读是一封信,所以首句可以改为“ a student wrote a letter to suggest that…”;有时主要讲话人为女性;另外阅读中的要点可根据个人语速,有时间就提,没时间就重点复述听力部分。